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Optimizely Integration

The Swym+Optimizely integration enables you to personalize your customer engagement based on each individual shopping journey.

Capture customer activity via the wishlist app, send automatic product back-in-stock notifications, price-drop and low-stock alerts on items in their wishlist, browse & cart abandonment emails and more to engage your customers better and improve conversions. The integration also enables you to incorporate data from these user and product interactions to tailor your automated workflows using Optimizely flows. Using the integration, you can also capture customers’ email addresses via the Swym apps, and allow customers to sign up for your email newsletters.

Scope of Integration

Personalize your customer engagement based on each individual shopping journey:

  • Automatic wishlist reminder emails
  • Enable customers to sign up for restock alerts on out-of-stock and pre-order products, and automatically notify them when those products are back in stock
  • Price-drop and low-stock alerts on wishlist items
  • Capture customer’s email addresses via the Swym apps, and allow them to sign up for your marketing campaigns
  • Track user activity on adding items to their wishlist, and incorporate into your Optimizely flows

How It Works

The Swym+Optimizely integration enables you to capture shopper activity on your site via the Swym apps (Wishlist Plus and Back in Stock Alerts) and tailor your marketing campaigns to those shoppers in automated fashion based on their activity. Once the Swym app(s) is/are installed on your site, the integration settings need to be configured in the app. The configuration includes your Optimizely API key, selecting the shopper events you are interested in tracking and triggering automatic campaigns for (such as adding to their wishlist or signing up for a back-in-stock alert) and the appropriate template-ids for each of those campaign messages. Note that those templates will need to be created in your Optimizely account and should include the specific Swym merge tags for the dynamic product attributes for each of those campaigns. The Swym integration ensures that the right events are triggered and the relevant metadata dispatched to Optimizely, which in turn sends the emails out to those customers that should be receiving these messages. The events that are currently supported by the integration are:  

  1. Add to wishlist events – for wishlist reminders
  2. Price drop alerts on wishlist items
  3. Back-in-stock and Low stock alerts on wishlist items
  4. Back-in-stock alerts on explicit user requests (via the Swym Swym Back in Stock Alerts app)
  5. Wishlist aggregate events (count of total wishlist adds for a given product)


  • The Wishlist Plus, Back in Stock Alerts and/or Engage app(s) are/is installed on your e-commerce store. Note that the Swym+Optimizely integration is only supported on our Enterprise plans.
  • Optimizely API keys to configure in the Swym app settings for the Optimizely integration
  • Email templates are set up in Optimizely for the messages that are enabled as part of the integration


Which Swym apps have a Optimizely integration available?

Wishlist Plus and Swym Back in Stock Alerts.

What Swym app plan is the Optimizely integration supported on?

The Swym+Optimizely integration is only available on our Enterprise plans.

We're stoked to see your interest in using Wishlist Plus! You'll receive an email from our team shortly to take this ahead.
We're stoked to see your interest in using Wishlist Plus! You'll receive an email from our team shortly to take this ahead.

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