How to archive a gift registry

You can archive and remove outdated or unused gift lists and registries from the Dashboard tab of your Swym Gift Lists and Registries app.  

Archiving a gift registry will remove it from your store and your dashboard and shoppers will no longer be able to access it.

1.Go to and log in to your Shopify Admin

2. From your Shopify Admin, go to Apps. A list of the apps you’ve installed to your store will be displayed in the Search bar. 

3. Select Swym Gift Lists and Registries from the search results. You will be directed to the app’s Home page.

4. Click Dashboard. Your app’s analytics page will display.

5. Click the Registries tab below the “Performance Overview” section.

6. Select the registries you want to archive by clicking the checkbox to their left. 

7. Click the Archive Registries link in the top-right corner of the table. 

8. Click the Archive button. The selected registries will be archived.

Note: If you archived a registry by mistake, you can unarchive it immediately by clicking the Undo link that appears at the bottom of the page. To unarchive older registries, please get in touch with our support team by writing to us at

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