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Advanced Inventory Controls: How to prevent or disable alert signups on specific products

Many of your out of stock products will never be restocked. Allowing your customers to sign up for back in stock alerts on these products is something you want to avoid. Setting the expectation that they will eventually hear from you with an update and not following through is a bad customer experience. 

With its Advanced Inventory Controls features, Swym allows you to disable the “Notify Me” button on specific product pages. 

Note: this feature is available on our Pro plans and above.

By following the steps in this document, you can set up custom tags that you can add to products you want to exclude. Once added, the “Notify Me” button is automatically deactivated on tagged products, thereby preventing customers from signing up for alerts.

How to prevent signup for back in stock alerts on select products

First, create and add a custom tag to the products where you don’t want alerts to be sent. In the example below , we’ve used the tag ‘swym-disabled’. However, you can name the tag as you wish. 

Second, add the same tag on the Swym Admin. 

To this on your Swym Admin,  click on the Back in Stock Alerts under theConfigure section on the left hand side menu. Then click on Manage against the ‘Disable on Selected Product option under Engagement features as shown in the GIF below.

After you have added a tag in Swym Admin, you can use that tag on any products you don’t want the back in stock buttons to show up on.If you still face difficulties in disabling the Back In stock alert form on a given product, please reach out to our support team at

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