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How to send alerts in batches

If you’re collecting a meaningful number of back in stock alert subscriptions, staying on top of alerts that need to go out and triggering them manually can be very tedious. You also run the risk of missing opportunities to send them, hurting your revenue potential. Because of that our most successful customers enable our powerful batch sending feature.

In this document, you will learn how to configure these settings on Swym admin. If you’d like to understand which batching option to pick, this explanatory piece may help you.

How to enable batch sending

Step 1: In Swym Admin under Configure section, under BiS Product alerts, click the manage button next to “Send alert in batches”.

Step 2: A pop-up will open, as seen below, where you can create the new Back In Stock reminder rule based on your requirements.

If you would like all the customers to be notified in a single batch, you can select the first option and leave the default setting as it is.

To notify customers in multiple batches you can select one of the following options:

Option 1: Set the number of customers you would like to notify for every unit of stock that is added.

Option 2: Set the number of customers you want to notify in a batch.

Option 3: Let us automatically choose the best batch size to optimize conversion.

You can also set the order in which the notifications have to be sent, so that alerts can be prioritized better. Below are the two options you can choose from.

  • Oldest – alerts will be sent to the customers who signed up first.
  • Newest – alerts will be sent to customers who signed up recently first.

A time interval can be set-up. The system will wait for the given time period before it sends out the next batch of alerts, provided the product is still in stock.

Please reach out to us at if you have any questions regarding the setup and we’ll be happy to help.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens when we have the batch send settings enabled and the product sells out before the last batch of customers are alerted?

We will verify the inventory quantity before we trigger the alert for each batch. If the inventory is 0 then we will stop sending out alerts until the product is restocked.

Why do I see some alerts that are still in a pending state in the reporting section of Swym Admin even though the product has been restocked?

 Chances are that you have the batch send feature enabled and we are notifying the customers in batches and all the alerts will be marked as sent once the notifications are sent. However, if the product sells out again, some customers  will not be notified, leaving some alerts in pending status.

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