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App Installation

Steps to Install Swym Gift Lists and Registries in your Store

Step 1: Find and add Swym Gift Lists and Registries from the Shopify App Store

Step 2: Click on Add Sales Channel to install Swym Gift Lists and Registries in your store

Step 3: You can also check out the Permissions required by the app in this screen

Step 4: After Installing, you will be redirected to the Admin Panel of the App. To continue installing, Click on Get Started

Step 5: In the next step choose the Pricing Plan which suits your needs

Step 6: For Paid Plan you will be redirected to the Billing Page, enter your payment details and approve the charge. This takes you to the next installation step

Step 7: Select the Theme in which you would like to install the app

Step 8: Click on Customize Button and add the gift registry button to the product description page

Step 9: Click on Add block

Step 10: Click on Swym Gift Lists and Registries

Step 11: Click on Save

Step 12: After adding the button successfully, you will be able to see the Continue button. Click on Continue

Step 13: Here you can see the colors of the button that you added to the product page, the theme and Preview the changes

Step 14: Hurray! You have added the button. Click on Finish set up to complete Installation

Step 15: After the first Install, You will be redirected to the home page of the app

Step 16: In the home page you can choose to go live. Install gift registry in live theme and add the gift registry manage page to the store’s Navigation menu by following the steps from “Add to header Menu” help doc.

Step 17: For more settings you can press on Configuration on the left panel

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Gorgias Integration - Early Access

Gift Registry- Early Access

Save for Later - Early Access

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