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How to hide a gift registrant’s shipping address from gifters during checkout

One of the biggest conveniences of shopping from gift lists and registries is that people can ship gifts directly to a shopper’s address. However, as gift registries are usually shared with a wide network of people and are accessible from the storefront as well, displaying a registrant’s address during the checkout process can cause privacy and security concerns.

In Swym Gift Lists and Registries, you can enable the address-masking feature to hide a registrant’s address when people buy a gift from a gift list or registry and help your shoppers protect their privacy.

How this works

When the “address-masking” feature in Swym Gift Lists and Registries is enabled for your store, all ship-to addresses will be hidden during the checkout process, and gifts will be automatically shipped to the address that a shopper specifies in their registry details. 

The shipping address fields will not be displayed to gifters in the checkout form and they’ll only be asked to add a billing address. If the address-masking feature is not enabled, then both the shipping and billing address fields will be displayed to gifters in the checkout form and the shipping address will be prefilled with the address provided by the gift registry owner.

Also, please note that this will be applied across all gift lists and registries in your store, even those created before enabling the address-masking feature. 

Note: This feature is currently in beta access and available only on the premium plan and above. To enable it for your store, please write to

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