How to Access and Read Reports for Your Swym Back in Stock Alerts 

The Swym Back in Stock Alerts Admin houses many reports that will help you understand the performance of your alerts and gain inventory insights. These reports are easily accessible via the menu on the left side of the Swym Admin. In this guide, we’ll go over each report one by one. 

You can select a time frame or date range for any of the reports through the option located toward the top right side of the screen.

Back in Stock Alerts Metrics 

The Back in Stock Alerts Metrics report is nested under Swym Back in Stock Alerts Reports on the menu located on the left side of the Swym Admin. This report presents a consolidated overview of all the important metrics that will help you understand the performance of your back-in-stock alerts. 

Under Requested Alerts Metrics, you’ll see an overview of the alerts that have been sent within the chosen date range. This includes:

  • Subscribed Alerts: The total number of back-in-stock subscriptions
  • Alert Subscribers: The unique number of subscribers that have signed up for an alert
  • Alert Requested Products: The total number of unique variants shoppers have subscribed to

Under Swym Back in Stock Alerts Conversion Metrics, you’ll see an overview of how these alerts have contributed to your site’s revenue. This includes:

  • Revenue from Swym BiS Alerts: Sum of the order values received through back-in-stock alerts
  • Swym BiS Alerts AOV: Average order value of purchases made through back in stock alerts
  • Sent Alerts: Total number of alerts sent
  • Clicked Alerts: Total number of sent alerts that were clicked
  • Purchases: Total number of purchases made through sent alerts
  • Total Products: Total number of unique variants for which alerts were sent

Requested Alerts Details

The Requested Alerts Details view is also nested under Swym Back in Stock Alerts Reports. You can use this report to understand the details of the back-in-stock alert subscriptions that you’ve received.

This report is displayed in a table with rows showing you details for each subscription including:

  • Product information: Such as image, name of the product and SKU details
  • Subscriber information: Such as the date the shopper subscribed for the alert and their email ID/phone number
  • Alert status: Indicates whether a back-in-stock alert has been sent and when it was sent if applicable

You can filter this view by searching for specific products, variants, SKUs, or subscribers.

This is an exportable report you can download in CSV format by clicking on “Download” under the report name at the top left of the screen.

Sent Alerts Details

If you’d like to see individual details of the back-in-stock alerts sent to subscribers, then the Sent Alerts Details report is for you. The report table provides a breakdown of each alert, along with the actions taken by the subscriber through the alert. 

The report is displayed as a table with rows that show you details for each alert sent including:

  • Product information: Such as image, name of the product and SKU details
  • Subscriber information: Such as the date the shopper subscribed for the alert and their email ID/phone number
  • Alert type: Such as an acknowledgment email or back-in-stock alert
  • Channel through which the alert was sent: Such as SMS or email
  • App through which the alert was sent: Occurs when you have our Wishlist Plus app installed
  • Alert status: Indicates whether an alert has been sent and when it was sent if applicable
  • Click status: Indicates whether a user has clicked on the alert, if a purchase has been made, or if revenue has been generated through the alert

You can filter this view by searching for specific products, variants, SKUs, or subscribers.

This is also an exportable report that you can download in CSV format by clicking on “Download” under the report name at the top left of the screen.

Products Report

If you’re looking for a breakdown of your back-in-stock alerts based on products or variants, this is the report to use. You can use this report to understand which products or variants are in demand or being purchased by your subscribers.

At the top right of the page, you’ll find an option to choose between product or variant grouping.

If you choose to group by product, this view will show you details of the product such as name, image, and SKU, along with the current available inventory and when that inventory was last updated. It will also show the number of subscriptions received and the alerts sent for each product.

If you choose to group by variant, you will see a variant-level breakdown which includes the details described in the product-level categorization along with additional information about the revenue generated via back-in-stock alerts for each variant. With variant-level grouping, you can easily compare inventory with back-in-stock subscriptions received. You can also manually send back-in-stock alerts to subscribers via the “Send Swym BiS Alerts” button. Here is a help document that outlines this process. 

You can sort this report by the number of wishlist actions, alerts sent, and subscriptions. You can also filter this view by searching for specific products, variants, SKUs, or subscribers.

The Products Report can be downloaded as a CSV file by clicking on “Download” under the table name.

Product Recommendation

The Product Recommendation report will be useful if you have the product recommendations widget enabled as it showcases the performance of this widget.

Under Product Recommendation Metrics, you’ll see a snapshot of how the recommendation widget on your site or sent via email has performed. This includes:

  • Revenue from Channel: Calculated as the sum of the order values received through the recommendation widget
  • Impressions: Number of times the widget was viewed on your site or sent via email
  • Clicks: Actions taken by the subscriber through the widget, such as clicking and visiting the product pages, adding a product to their wishlist, or adding a product to their cart 
  • Purchases: Number of orders placed through the recommendation widget

Next, you can view an item-by-item breakdown of the purchases made from recommendations in the Recommendation Purchase Details section.

This shows you the details of the product, including product name, image, and SKU, along with the email address of the buyer. You can also see where the recommendation was shown (i.e. recommendation medium), the date of purchase, and the value of the purchase. 

You can filter or search this report using subscriber details. You can also download a CSV file with the details of these purchases by clicking on clicking on “Download” under the name of this section.

Pending Alerts

If you want to know how many back-in-stock alerts are yet to be sent or need to send bulk back-in-stock alerts manually, this is the report you will find helpful.

This report lets you view the pending alerts for each product variant and the available inventory. It also shows you the number of subscriptions for each variant compared to the number of alerts sent, allowing you to determine how many alerts are pending. You can also see the revenue generated through back-in-stock alerts sent for a given variant.

The report is sortable by the number of alerts sent and subscriptions. You can filter this view by searching for specific products, variants, SKUs, or subscribers.

You can also download this report into a CSV file. If you want to take action right away and send manual alerts, simply click the “Send All Pending Swym BiS Alerts” button at the top right of the screen.


If you’re looking to understand the revenue generated and purchases made through the Swym Back in Stock Alerts app, the Purchases report will be helpful.

The first section shows you an overview of back-in-stock activity in comparison to the activity on your store. This includes metrics like:

  • Swym Revenue Contribution: Portion of revenue generated through the Swym Back in Stock Alerts app vs. the total revenue of your store
  • Swym Average Order Value: Average order value of purchases made through back-in-stock alerts vs. your store’s overall average order value
  • Orders through Swym: Number of orders received through back-in-stock alerts vs. the total number of orders
  • Swym items per order: Average number of items per order made through back-in-stock alerts vs. your store’s overall average number of items per order
  • Swym Conversion Rate: Conversion rate of sessions generated by back-in-stock alerts vs. all sessions
  • Swym Revenue Contribution: Percentage of revenue contributed by back-in-stock alerts vs. your overall store revenue
  • Swym Order Contribution: Total number of orders generated by back-in-stock alerts vs. the total number of orders received by your store

If you have the “Save for Later” feature enabled, this section also shows you the revenue and purchases contributed through Save for Later.

Next, you can view the report table for an individual breakdown of the purchases made in the Purchase Details section.

This shows you the details of the purchased product, including product name, image, and SKU, along with the email address of the buyer. You can also see which feature led to the purchase (for example, if you have Save for Later enabled), the date of purchase, and the value of the purchase. 

You can sort the report by order value and date of order. You can filter this view by searching for specific products, variants, SKUs, or subscribers. You can also download the CSV file with the details of these purchases by clicking on “Download” under the name of this section.

Marketing List Opt-ins

If you have the ‘Add to Marketing List’ feature enabled, this report will show you the details of the opt-ins received through it.

Under Marketing List Opt-ins Metrics, you’ll see details of the opt-ins. This includes:

  • Email capture: Total number of subscriber email IDs collected
  • Phone number capture: Total number of subscriber phone numbers collected
  • Added to Marketing List: Total number of new subscribers added to your marketing list through this feature

Next, you can view a detailed breakdown of the subscribers in the Marketing List Opt-ins Details section. You can sort by date in the dashboard to see the details of the latest subscribers first or search for an individual subscriber using their contact data. This report can be downloaded as a CSV file by clicking on “Download” under the name of this section.

This completes the walkthrough of all the reports available to you on your Swym Back in Stock Alerts Admin. 
If you have additional questions about viewing your Back In Stock Alerts reports or need help, please contact our support team via email at

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