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Attentive-Swym Integration

Attentive is a popular AI-powered SMS plus email marketing platform used by e-commerce stores to run various marketing campaigns. 

The Swym Wishlist Plus app helps you capture shopper intent around products they are interested in, based on actions they take in the context of those products. This could include adding an item to their Wishlist, signing up for a back-in-stock alert on an out-of-stock product, saving an item they want to purchase for future consideration, etc. With the Swym + Attentive integration, you can now re-engage those shoppers with personalized alerts on the products that are of interest to them based on pre-defined triggers you can configure around these actions. 

  • You can send shoppers a reminder alert via SMS or Email when they add an item to their Wishlist and haven’t purchased it yet.
  • You can notify them via SMS or Email that an item they were interested in is now back in stock and available for purchase. 
  • You can let them know that an item in their wishlist is now on Sale.
  • And many other similar scenarios based on updates that are relevant to them based on the products they’ve expressed interest in.

Please ensure the following requirements in order to set up this integration:

  • Requirement 1: Attentive is installed and configured for your store for SMS and/ or E email marketing.
  • Requirement 2: The Swym Wishlist Plus app is installed on your store.
  • Requirement 3: You have obtained two sign-up unit IDs from Attentive (Please contact your Attentive CSM to get these created):
    • Transactional Sign-up Unit labeled “Swym Wishlist Plus Action Unit
    • Marketing Sign-up Unit labeled “Swym Wishlist Plus Promotional Unit”

Setting up the integration

The steps to enable the ‘Swym + Attentive’ integration are very simple and take only a few minutes. 

  1. Go to the Swym Admin module for your store (You can access your Swym Admin module from your Shopify Admin by going to Apps -> Wishlist Plus). Click on ‘Integrations‘ on the left side panel. Find ‘Attentive‘ and click on ‘Configure‘.
  1. Click on the install button and it will take you to the ‘Attentive’ login page. Login to your Attentive account and authorize the oAuth permissions.
  1. After authorizing the permissions, you will be redirected back to the ‘Attentive’ settings page on Swym Admin.
  2. Go to the Sign Up Units page on your ‘Attentive’ account, capture the sign-up unit IDs for the Marketing and Transactional methods, and fill it into the form, as shown below:-

  3. Make sure you hit Save once you’ve entered the IDs.
  1. At this point, the integration is enabled, and you’ll just need to enable your preferred triggers and channels to be able to start sending out these alerts.

Please note: The Wishlist SMS preference must be opted to process SMS events.

Steps to create a Journey for Swym Events

  1. Once the oAuth is complete and the integration is established you can now visit your Attentive account to set up the journeys for triggers you opted for on the Swym Admin.
    1. If the integration is complete, the test events should appear on the Attentive portal. 
    2. You can verify that your integration is correctly set up by following the steps listed in the “Test the Integration” section below. 
    3. Please verify that the Sign-up Unit IDs provided are valid.
  2. Visit the Journeys page listed on the sidebar and click on Create Journeys.
  1. Select the Start from scratch tab.
  1. Upon clicking the tab you will be taken to a screen where you can filter available triggers based on the app. Select Swym Wishlist Plus from the dropdown.
  1. Select the type of trigger you are looking to enable. Once the trigger is selected, you will be taken to the flow/journey setup page. In this setup page, you can create flows and add actions such as SMS and Email to it. In these actions, you can use variables/properties sent along with the event.
  2. The properties (merge tags) will appear only if a test trigger/event is sent. Therefore, sending the test trigger is a required step to configure the integration.
  3. To use the properties inside the message body, a test trigger must be sent to let Attentive be aware of the different event properties that the journey will have access to. You can send test triggers using the Swym Admin.
  1. After designing the flow as per your requirements turn it on and the journey will be live. There are two ways to verify this:
    1. Fire test events on the Attentive journey page.
    2. Fire test events on the Swym Admin’s Attentive settings page

In either case, an email will be received on the specified email address.

  1. You can learn more about creating journeys by following the Attentive documentation here

Test the Integration

After installing the integration and creating the journeys for the triggers, now it’s time to test the integration. Follow the below steps to test the workflow.

  1. Add a subscriber:  A customer must be registered as a subscriber with marketing and transactional opt-in on the Attentive platform before he/she can receive the SMS or Emails. 
  2. Fire the configured event: Send out the event using the natural workflow or using the test trigger available on the Swym admin dashboard.
  3. You should now receive an SMS or email given the configuration was set up correctly.

After the integration is connected, you can create a custom journey in Attentive using the custom events from Swym. The following table lists the available custom events for the journey:

Custom Event Properties Abridged Glossary
Swym Wishlist Sign up Confirmation {Confirmation email to allow shopper to save their Wishlist to their email address}Medium , FirstName, LastName 1. Custom Events: A type of Event – something which represents user actions 

2. Properties: Any metadata associated with the Event

3. Medium: Distribution Channel e.g. SMS or email

4. First name, LastName: Attributes of the User associated with the actions

5. EventTime: Time of Occurence of Event caused by User Action

6. ListId: Unique Identifier for a Shopping List

7. ListName: Given Name for a Shopping List

8. Products:  Set of Unique Product Identifiers such as {ProductId, ProductName, ProductPrice, ProductQuantity, Quantity, ProductBrand, ProductCategory, VariantId, VariantInfo, VariantSKU, SKU, ProductURL, ImageURL, ProductTags {ProductPriceOriginal, OriginalPrice}}

9. ProductCount: Total count of a product held in stockexternal

10. EventId:Swym Event Id

11. user {email, Phone}: [User associated with the action.

Note that this is a visitor to the site and does not need to be actively subscribed]ShareURL: The URL which contains the wishlisted product which is being shared by the shopper
Swym Wishlist Add to Wishlist Notification {An item is added to a shopper’s Wishlist}EventTime, Medium, ListId, ListName,  Products 
Swym Wishlist Reminder {A reminder on a wishlisted product that hasn’t been purchased}Medium, EventTime, ProductCount, Products, externalEventId, user {email, Phone}
Swym Wishlist Save for Later Reminder {A reminder on a saved for later product that hasn’t been purchased}Medium, EventTime, ProductCount, Products {ProductId, ProductName, ProductPrice, ProductQuantity, Quantity, ProductBrand, ProductCategory, VariantId, VariantInfo, VariantSKU, SKU, ProductURL, ImageURL, ProductTags}, externalEventId, user {email, Phone}
Swym Wishlist Low Stock Alert {A product in a shopper’s wishlist is running low on stock}Medium, EventTime, ProductCount, Products, externalEventId, user {email, Phone} 
Swym Wishlist Price Drop Alert {The price drops on a product in a shopper’s wishlist}Medium, EventTime, ProductCount, Products  externalEventId, user {email, Phone}
Swym Wishlist Share {Shoppers share their Wishlist contents with others}Medium, EventTime, ShareURL, SenderName, SenderEmail, ListName, ProductCount, Note, Products, externalEventId, user {email, Phone}
Swym Wishlist Restock Alert {A product that a shopper wishlisted is now back in stock}Medium, EventTime, ProductCount, Products, externalEventId, user {email, Phone}
Swym BiS Restock Alert {A product that a shopper subscribed is now back in stock}Medium, EventTime, ProductCount, Products, externalEventId, user {email, Phone}
Swym BiS Acknowledgement {A shopper signing up for a back-in-stock alert}Medium, externalEventId, user {email, Phone}
Swym BiS Reminder {A second reminder for restocked products}Medium, EventTime, ProductCount, Products, externalEventId, user {email, Phone}


We’re here to help! Contact  to ask about the Attentive + Swym integration.

Some FAQs

  • Does Attentive sync customer data to or from Shopify?

Answer: Attentive only pushes data to Shopify but does not pull data from Shopify.

  • Can an SMS or email be sent via a journey to a customer who is not present in the subscriber’s list of the attentive account?

Answer: No, for any customer to receive an SMS or email their profile must be available on the attentive account. If it’s not available Attentive will simply drop that event.

  • How to create an account on Attentive?

Answer: There is no automated way to create an account on Attentive. A business needs to get in touch with them over email to get their account set up.

  • What exactly are Journeys?

Answer: In the world of Attentive, flows are called journeys which are automated sequences of emails or messages triggered by specific actions or events.

  • How to branch a journey based on an event property?

Answer: To branch out based on event property, one needs to create a segment of customer with the event property. More at:

  • What exactly are sign-up units?

Answer: Sign-up units are forms where your customers input their information to subscribe to your email and/or text alerts. More at: 

  • In that case, what are Marketing and Transactional sign-up unit IDs?

Answer: Journeys in Attentive are of two types – Transactional and Marketing:

  • Transactional Journeys: These journey messages are primarily informational and serve to provide customers with essential details related to their transactions or interactions with a business.
  • To activate a transactional journey the user needs to get the journey reviewed.
  • The message body cannot contain any promotional content like promo codes
  • A subscriber’s transactional subscription is required to enter the journey for both email and SMS.
  • Marketing Journeys: Marketing journeys are communications designed to promote product offers, or brand awareness to a targeted audience.
    • To activate a transactional journey the user does not need to get the journey reviewed.
    • A subscriber’s marketing subscription is required to enter the journey for both email and SMS.
  • What should I do if the marketing and transactional sign-up unit IDs do not show up in the merchant’s Attentive account?

Answer: If the IDs are not visible, the merchant should contact their Attentive CSM to have them created with the following labels:

  • Is it necessary to add both marketing (labeled as “Swym Wishlist Plus Promotional Unit”) and transactional (labeled as “Swym Wishlist Plus Action Unit”) sign-up unit IDs?

Answer: Yes, it is mandatory to add both marketing and transactional sign-up unit IDs. 

  • Do I need to send test triggers to create the Swym journeys after the integration is set up? 

Answer: No, once the integration is set up, the Swym journeys should be available in the Attentive Admin without the need for sending test triggers.

  • Are Lists supported by ‘Attentive’?

Answer: Lists are not supported by ‘Attentive’.  Instead there are custom attributes that can be used to mark/identify a customer.

We're stoked to see your interest in using Wishlist Plus! You'll receive an email from our team shortly to take this ahead.
We're stoked to see your interest in using Wishlist Plus! You'll receive an email from our team shortly to take this ahead.

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