Why use SMS as a channel for Back in Stock Alerts?

When it comes to Back in Stock Alerts, the key factor that drives conversions is a sense of urgency. You want your shoppers to take action as soon as possible, so that the product they expressed interest in does not go out of stock again before they are able to purchase it. This is why SMS becomes an important channel for sending out back in stock alerts.

While emails are a default channel to send out back in stock alerts, there is a good chance of these alerts being lost in the clutter or being missed because they landed up in promotional inboxes. The average open rates of emails as per Mailchimp is around 21%. By contrast, the open rate for Marketing SMSes is around 98%.

Reports suggest that SMS is becoming a preferred way for consumers to interact with brands, with 66.5% of consumers signing up to receive text messages from more brands and 58% of them specifically saying that they would like restock alerts via SMS as it makes purchase easier. In fact, 63% of respondents who have subscribed to marketing SMSes mentioned that they had made a purchase from the brand within 3 months, as per this survey by Attentive.

Such high engagement and conversion levels, make SMS the perfect channel for Back in Stock Alerts. Plus, because 60% of customers read texts within 1-5 minutes of delivery, it allows them to act more quickly.

Want to leverage this powerful channel for your Back in Stock alerts? The Swym Back in Stock Alerts app allows you to do so through seamless integrations with your SMS service provider.

Take a look at our help docs that will help you get started with setting up back in stock alerts via SMS quickly and easily, through integrations with:

Twilio (for Swym Pro plans and above)

Postscript (for Swym Pro plans and above)

Klaviyo (for Swym Starter plans and above)

If you’re looking to integrate with providers other than the ones mentioned above, write in to us on support@swymcorp.com.

Note: To enable this feature you need to be on our Starter Plan or above. you also need to have an account or SMS plan with the respective SMS service providers.


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