Why Brands Should Be Using SMS for Their Marketing Messages

Before your marketing can drive results for your brand, customers need to see it. Although email remains one of the most popular mediums for digital marketing, it isn’t always the most effective. In fact, studies show that SMS marketing may be a far more impactful way to reach your audience. 

Thanks to the personalization and urgency SMS messages create, a text is the perfect way to let customers know when the item they want is restocked. Swym’s Back in Stock Alerts app works with all major SMS marketing platforms and integrates seamlessly with your existing tech stack. 

In this article, we’ll cover the benefits of using SMS for your marketing and back-in-stock messages.

Benefits of SMS Marketing

Marketing your e-commerce brand is all about making a connection with your customers. What better way to build a relationship than through the medium they use every day? 

SMS messaging is highly personal and stands out from the flood of marketing users receive every day. That’s only part of what makes it such a great way to convey your message. Here are a few more benefits of SMS marketing to consider. 

SMS is Highly Used Around the World

Over 6.9 billion people around the world own a smartphone. That’s 86% of the world’s population! Those users aren’t just playing games or watching videos, either. They’re engaging with text messages all the time. 

In fact, 97% of all SMS messages are read within 15 minutes of being delivered. So when you want to be sure customers hear about a product being restocked, SMS is the most effective route. 

SMS recipients aren’t just reading your messages, either—they’re engaging with them. 

Users Prefer Text Notifications

Many marketers falsely believe that text message marketing feels invasive. This might have been true a decade ago. But today, SMS marketing is just another common way for businesses to interact with their customers. Interestingly, many consumers actually prefer a text message to one more email in their inbox. 

Why? Because an SMS message feels more personal than an email—even one that’s well-designed. The intimate nature of a text tells customers you care and want to form a connection. SMS messaging is also the quickest way for you to offer real value to your customers.

The results speak for themselves. SMS marketing has 10-15% higher click-through rates than email campaigns. Plus, 86% of small business owners say texting results in higher engagement with their customers than email marketing. 

SMS Marketing Converts Better

Conversions are the ultimate goal of your e-commerce marketing—especially for back-in-stock alerts. The platform you choose has a big impact on how successful your campaigns will be. Since SMS creates a natural sense of urgency, it often leads to more conversions than other mediums. 

A strong email campaign may have a conversion rate of 2-5%. But SMS marketing campaigns often have conversion rates as high as 30%. Customers on your SMS marketing list have already shown high buying intent by subscribing for back-in-stock alerts. So a personal, highly targeted SMS message can be the final push they need to make a purchase. 

SMS Works Great With Other Channels

No marketing strategy is complete if you’re only using one platform. Yes, SMS is great for making an immediate connection with your customers. But there’s a limited amount of information you can send in a text. 

Fortunately, SMS works great with other types of marketing. A quick text prompting users to check out your latest email can boost open rates by 20-30% on average. Ending an email campaign with the option to subscribe to SMS messages helps users stay engaged on the platform they prefer. 

Ultimately, SMS should be an important part of your marketing strategy. But be sure to include other mediums to complement it as well. 

SMS is Essential for Back in Stock Alert Messaging

When it comes to back-in-stock alerts, a text is the most effective way to get your message across. Since the most important factor in converting a customer after they receive an alert is creating urgency, SMS is a natural complement to this strategy. 

Email is often the default channel for sending back-in-stock alerts. But those messages might get lost in a busy inbox. Customers who subscribe to alerts want to hear from you, so connecting with them in the place they’re most likely to see your message is important. Plus, thanks to push notifications, most text messages are read within minutes of delivery. This gives customers immediate access to the restocked products they want to buy. When you have limited stock or time-limited items, this ensures shoppers have a chance to make a purchase. 

You can configure the Swym Back in Stock Alerts app to collect a user’s phone number when they subscribe for alerts. This allows shoppers to choose the channel they prefer for notifications. Then, utilize our integrations with popular SMS marketing platforms like Twilio, Postscript, and Klaviyo to create highly-targeted campaigns, segment your audience, and automate your SMS alerts. 


SMS is a powerful medium for your marketing messages. For brands sending back-in-stock alerts, a text is an ideal way to engage your audience, create urgency, and encourage high open rates. 

If you have questions about using SMS marketing with your Swym Back in Stock Alerts subscription, our support team is happy to help. Just reach out to us at support@swymcorp.com


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