Learn How Swym Uses Cookies and Local Storage and How Our Apps are GDPR Compliant

User privacy is an important issue in today’s increasingly digital world. The EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) sets the tone for privacy regulations that are becoming more stringent around the world. At Swym, user privacy has always been a top priority. 

To protect merchants and shoppers, our platforms are fully GDPR compliant. You can read more about this in our blog post on the topic here

This help document covers what you need to know about Swym’s platform, how Swym uses cookies and local storage, and why those cookies and local storage are necessary. 

GDPR compliance

When you use Swym’s apps, you can rest assured you’ll be protecting user privacy as required by the GDPR. 

Swym collects information from users during their shopping journey, allowing merchants to re-engage and create personalized marketing campaigns. Before data is collected, though, users must opt-in to these campaigns. 

How does Swym use browser cookies and local storage?

Swym uses cookies and local storage properties on the shopper’s browser to allow our apps to work correctly. These cookies and local storage also let shoppers save their preferences to create a better shopping experience. 

The cookies and local storage Swym uses can be classified into two main categories, which we’ll discuss below. 

Necessary Cookies

Necessary cookies are required for the application to function. They may contain personally identifiable information. 

Without necessary cookies, Swym apps will not be able to function. As such, these cookies become active when our apps are installed on the merchant’s website. 

Below is a list of the necessary cookies utilized by our apps: 

Cookie NameDescriptionDuration
swym-emailThis stores the email address when the shopper logs into the store or when the shopper authenticates their wishlist or subscribes for a back-in-stock alert.1 year, unless the shopper is logged out or manually disconnects.
swym-session-idThis is a general-purpose platform session cookie used to maintain an anonymous user session.30 minutes
swym-pidUnique identifier to track merchants and their wishlist settings. 1 year
swym-swymRegidThis cookie is used to store an encrypted version of the user’s device ID and information on the user’s session.The ID links the user’s Swym app-specific content to their device. It also retrieves those contents from our cloud storage whenever the user attempts to access Swym apps.1 year 

Preference Cookies and Local Storage

Unlike necessary cookies, preference cookies and local storage properties aren’t required for Swym apps to function. However, they support additional functionalities that enhance the user’s experience and make the apps work better. Preference cookies and local storage properties support caching, authentication, instrumentation, and system preferences. They also store customer preferences and may include third-party cookies from analytics or email service providers. 

Information stored in preference cookies and local storage properties is anonymized. This means these cookies and local storage properties cannot be used to identify an end user. However, the information can be used to help optimize the shopper’s journey by tailoring their app experience based on their preferences. 

Below is a list of the preference cookies and local storage properties that help bring additional functionality to Swym’s apps: 

swym-cu_ctRelated to custom cart experience from Swym on the wishlist.1 year
swym-o_sRelated to swym app versioning systems.30 mins
swym-instrumentMapRelated to Wishlist instrumentation for identification of API.1 year
swym-ol_ctRelated to swym cart functionality30 mins
swym-v-ckdRelated to swym app versioning systems30 mins
swym-tpermtsRelated to asking user permission for marketing1 year
swym-u_prefRelated to user’s marketing preference1 year
swym-wemlRelated to user’s email address for Swym apps1 year
swym-clctmapRelated to identity collect of user.1 year
swym-ignachRelated to clearing cached authorized user to refresh it.30 mins
swym-isCheckedForMisauthRelated to badly authenticated user.1 year
swym-mkt-deniedRelated to ‘wishlist’ accept marketing pop-up cancellation.1 year
swym-nf_svdRelated to fetching saved products data.30 mins
swym-_oidRelated to order id in checkout for shopify.1 year
swym-pstlgnrdRelated to post login redirect url.1 year
swym-remoteAuthRelated to saving auth status for a user.1 year
swym-rvnRelated to ‘recently viewed’ notification pop-up display history.1 year
swym-t_mRelated to swym tier mismatch history.1 year
swym-watchlist-mailing-list-subscribedRelated to showing mailing list checkbox in back-in-stock popup.1 year
swym-wnRelated to wishlist nudge history data.1 year
Local StorageDescriptionDuration
swym-devices_timestampRelated to Device Identifier functionality.Until the session is ended
swym-productsRelated to caching mechanism for products using the wishlist.1 year
swym-products_timestampRelated to caching mechanism for products using the wishlist.1 year
swym-rconfig_cacheRelated to retailer configuration.1 year
swym-rapps_cacheRelated to retailer configuration.1 year
swym-thmverRelated to wishlist launcher in the header and stores theme config versions.1 year
swym-rfrshthmprstRelated to wishlist launcher in the header and determines whether to refresh the theme preset or not.1 year
swym-wshlstcntRelated to wishlist launcher in the header and stores a count of wishlisted items.1 year
swym-scheduledSFLAskRelated to save for later pop-up display.1 year
swym-ab-test-configRelated to controlled feature display.1 year
swym-thmprstRelated to wishlist launcher in the header and stores theme preset for ideal rendering.1 year
swym-sflPopupShownCountRelated to ‘save for later’ pop-up display count.30 minutes
swym-pauseSFLPopupRelated to pausing ‘save for later’ pop-up display according to the user’s choice.30 minutes
swym-wishlisthkeyRelated to sharing wishlist1 year
swym-wishlisthkey_timestampRelated to sharing wishlist1 year
swym-devicesRelated to Swym info about device1 year
swym-authnRelated to Swym authentication for a user1 year
swym-authn_timestampRelated to Swym authentication for a user1 year
swym-uprefcheckmetaRelated to user’s preference about marketing permissions1 year
swym-uprefcheckmeta_timestampRelated to user’s preference about marketing permissions1 year
swym-sms-configRelated to Swym app config for back in stock1 year
swym-rvdRelated to ‘recently viewed’ products history of user.1 year
swym-rvuaRelated to ‘recently viewed’ last viewed product timestamp.1 year
swym-userSettingsRelated to saving user settings for HTC app.1 year

If you’d like to know more about Swym’s cookies and local storage properties, or are looking for specific details about the cookies we use, contact us to ensure you have the right information based on your plan. 

Both the necessary and preference cookies and local storage properties noted above are dynamic and subject to change without notice based on the applications installed in your store. 

For more information, please contact our support team via email at support@swymcorp.com

Swym reserves the right to change the information available on this document as required to match our product updates.

Learn more about how Swym is compliant with GDPR and how it uses Cookies and Local Storage.

GDPR Compliance

Swym is compliant with GDPR. You can read more about it here.

How does Swym use Browser Cookies and Local Storage?

Swym uses cookies and local storage on the shopper’s browser for our apps to work correctly and save preferences for better shopper experience.

The Cookies used by Swym can be classified into two main categories:

Necessary Cookies

Necessary Cookies are required for the application to function. These cookies may contain personally identifiable information and without them, the app will not be able to function. When Swym apps are installed, these cookies are active on the website.

Here’s the list of necessary cookies required for our apps to function:

Cookie nameDescriptionDuration
swym-emailThis stores the email address when the shopper logs into the store or when the shopper authenticates their Wishlist / subscribes for a back in stock alert1 year, unless logged out or disconnected manually.
swym-session-idThis is a general-purpose platform session cookie, used to maintain an anonymous user session.30mins
swym-pidUnique Identifier to track merchants and their wishlist settings. 1 year
swym-swymRegidThis cookie is used to store an encrypted version of the user’s device’s ID and information on the user’s session.The ID is further used to link the user’s Swym app-specific content based on the app to that device and retrieve those contents from our cloud storage whenever the user attempts to access Swym apps1 year 
Preference Cookies and Local Storage

These are cookies and local storage that help support functionalities such as caching, authentication, instrumentation and system preferences that make the app work better. The preference cookies and local storage help in storing customer preferences and optionally includes cookies from third party analytics or email service providers based on app configuration.

This information is anonymized. It cannot be used to identify any end user and is used to make the shopper journey better by tailoring the app experience based on shopper preferences.

Here’s the list of preference cookies:

swym-cu_ctRelated to custom cart experience from Swym on the wishlist.1 year
swym-o_sRelated to swym app versioning systems.30 mins
swym-instrumentMapRelated to Wishlist instrumentation for identification of API.1 year
swym-ol_ctRelated to swym cart functionality30 mins
swym-v-ckdRelated to swym app versioning systems30 mins
swym-tpermtsRelated to asking user permission for marketing1 year
swym-u_prefRelated to user’s marketing preference1 year
swym-wemlRelated to user’s email address for Swym apps1 year
Local StorageDescriptionDuration
swym-devices_timestampRelated to Device Identifier functionality.Until the session is ended
swym-productsRelated to caching mechanism for products using the wishlist.1 year
swym-products_timestampRelated to caching mechanism for products using the wishlist.1 year
swym-rconfig_cacheRelated to retailer configuration.1 year
swym-rapps_cacheRelated to retailer configuration.1 year
swym-thmverRelated to wishlist launcher in the header and stores theme config versions.1 year
swym-rfrshthmprstRelated to wishlist launcher in the header and determines whether to refresh the theme preset or not.1 year
swym-wshlstcntRelated to wishlist launcher in the header and stores a count of wishlisted items.1 year
swym-scheduledSFLAskRelated to save for later pop-up display.1 year
swym-ab-test-configRelated to controlled feature display.1 year
swym-thmprstRelated to wishlist launcher in the header and stores theme preset for ideal rendering.1 year
swym-sflPopupShownCountRelated to ‘save for later’ pop-up display count.30 minutes
swym-pauseSFLPopupRelated to pausing ‘save for later’ pop-up display according to the user’s choice.30 minutes
swym-wishlisthkeyRelated to sharing wishlist1 year
swym-wishlisthkey_timestampRelated to sharing wishlist1 year
swym-devicesRelated to Swym info about device1 year
swym-authnRelated to Swym authentication for a user1 year
swym-authn_timestampRelated to Swym authentication for a user1 year
swym-uprefcheckmetaRelated to user’s preference about marketing permissions1 year
swym-uprefcheckmeta_timestampRelated to user’s preference about marketing permissions1 year
swym-sms-configRelated to Swym app config for back in stock1 year

For specific information on these cookies and local storage, contact Swym to ensure you have the right information based on your plan. The above cookies and local storage are dynamic and are subject to change without notice based on the applications installed on your store.

 For any information that is missing or required – please contact support@swymcorp.com

Swym reserves the right to change the information available on this document as required to match our product updates.


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