6 essential ecommerce dashboards for Google Analytics

Key customer insights

People generate huge amounts of data every day.  Customers also interact with brands using multiple devices and through a variety of channels. As a result, there is an abundance of data available.

Google Analytics is the go-to tool for data. Each analytics view can contain up to 20 private dashboards per user and up to 12 widgets. Creating dashboards is a pesky task – it takes time and a lot of research to arrive at the optimal list of reports to capture the right set of data points.  Thankfully, Google Analytics experts have taken the time to create templates for the custom reports they find most valuable, and make them available for anyone to install via the Solutions Gallery.  Here are 6 essential customized Google Analytics dashboards perfect for e-commerce, and available for free via the Google Analytics dashboard gallery.  

Perfect Dashboard by Portent

Very aptly named, this is indeed a perfect dashboard for a quick overview of your business’s health. One glance and you’ll get a fairly complete executive summary of how your site is performing. The metrics you have access to are:

  • Revenue
  • Source of revenue generated- Pageviews, Visits and Sales
  • Channel – referral pie chart
  • Visits and Revenue table
  • High traffic keywords
  • ‘Top landing pages’ table, that displays landing pages sorted by pageviews and average time on the site.

Social Media Analytics dashboard by Justin Crutoni

This bundle provides a better understanding of how your social media strategy is impacting your e-commerce business. The key reports in the Social Media Analytics dashboard include:

  • Revenue per visit by social network
  • New visitor acquisition from social
  • Social visits and quality from mobile
  • At-a-glance reports on metrics around on-site activity, off-site activity, conversions and outcomes etc,

Email Dashboard by Blast Analytics

Email marketing is a must-do in your planning and strategy in order to increase sales to your store in an effective way. Blast Analytics Email Marketing Google Analytics dashboard is great for e-commerce, in providing some critical insights about traffic to your store with some useful data points about your email marketing process. Here are some reports offered in this dashboard:

  • Revenue generated through email marketing,
  • Products generating most revenue through email marketing campaigns.
  • Email campaign performance report (if you have UTM tag links in your email campaigns
  • Bounce rate for email traffic
  • Landing page report, country/by region performance report from email traffic only

SEO Dashboard by Anna Lewis at Koozai

SEO is one of the most critical items in any digital marketing strategy. This dashboard provides some key organic SEO metrics in one quick view. Apart from reports such as total organic visits, performance of brand and non-branded organic keywords etc., it also shows:

  • Pages per visit by organic keyword
  • Top organic keywords and % of bounce visits
  • Source (Google, Bing, Yahoo, search, Ask etc) of organic visits
  • Most successful keywords by goals
  • Pages per visit per organic keyword

All-in-one e-commerce Dashboard by Paolo Margari

This Google analytics dashboard provides for a quick synopsis of the key aspects of your e-commerce’s health. It’s easy to understand, even for those who are non-technical or who do not use Google analytics. Here are some widgets that this dashboard provides:

  • Unique number of visitors (users) or transactions
  • Conversion rate by medium and device
  • Total Revenue
  • Average Order Value (AOV)
  • Revenue breakdown by device: desktop, tablet and mobile
  • Transaction and Conversion rate break-down by device
  • Sources and medium of revenue generating traffic

Mobile E-commerce Dashboard by Justin Cutroni

Consumer behavior is steadily shifting toward m-commerce, leveraging handheld devices for browsing and purchasing. Justin Cutroni’s handy dashboard for e-commerce marketers and online retailers analyses mobile behavior, and receive snippets of insightful data about your mobile device traffic. Some widgets provided in this report are:

  • Revenue from mobile traffic
  • Organic keywords from mobile devices
  • Bounce rate vs. average session
  • Top pages from mobile devices
  • Mobile revenue and average order value
  • Top products purchase from mobile devices
  • Top performing mobile campaigns (UTM tagging required)

Dashboards are a great way to extract maximum value from Google analytics for your e-commerce business strategies and having these tailor-made dashboards at your disposal takes care of the tedious data collection and organization efforts, thereby enabling you to focus your time on what matters, the key metrics that drive your business’s bottom-line.

Which of these dashboards do you already use? Any other preferred dashboards for e-commerce that you suggest we should include in the list above?  Let  us know in the comments below.


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