Wishlist Nudge

Improve your shopper engagement with Wishlist Nudge

Improve your shopper engagement with Wishlist Nudge

Ever found shoppers scrolling through your eCommerce store, eyeing a product, but not quite hitting that “Buy Now” button? This scenario is not uncommon these days. Shoppers like to take their time, compare options, and maybe even sleep on it before making a purchase. To nudge them to make a decision and proceed to the next step, we are introducing a new Wishlist Plus feature called the Wishlist Nudge.

Here’s how the Wishlist Nudge works:

  • Your shoppers are in your store, exploring a variety of products. They find something they like, but they’re not quite ready to make the purchase. They stay on the product page, thinking it over.
  • We capture the shopper’s interest based on the time they spend on a product page and leverage it using the Wishlist Nudge which prompts them to add the product to their wishlist. 
  • Wishlist Nudge doesn’t pressure them to buy immediately. Instead, you can add a friendly suggestion like, “Still contemplating your purchase? Add this product to your wishlist and come back whenever you’re ready.”
  • So now with just a click of a button, your shoppers can add products they are considering to their wishlist. 

With the product safely saved in their wishlist, your shoppers can revisit it whenever they want, whether it’s today, tomorrow, or even next month. 


And, the interesting part is, that Wishlist Nudge uses Wishlist Plus’ innate ability to capture the email addresses of guest users and retarget them with their wishlist-specific reminders and offers.

Why you’ll love the Wishlist Nudge:

  • Opportunity to improve conversions: Wishlist Nudge encourages shoppers to add items to their wishlist, thereby providing the opportunity to improve conversion. It’s like a gentle nudge towards a sale.
  • Bring shoppers back to the store: By collecting shopper emails, you can send tailored offers and suggestions, thereby converting guest users into customers. 
  • Increased engagement: Wishlist Nudge sparks interaction. Shoppers engage with the wishlist feature by saving products, and they also engage with your store when they return to access their wishlist.

Why your shoppers will love Wishlist Nudge:

  • Shopping simplified: Your shoppers get a seamless experience. They can take their time pondering their purchases, knowing they can come back later.
  • No more lost items: Wishlist Nudge ensures shoppers don’t forget products they love. It’s like a safety net for their favorite finds.
  • Personalized shopping experience: Shoppers receive personalized product updates based on their wishlists. It’s like having a personal shopper at their fingertips.

Wishlist Nudge helps you transform your shoppers’ online shopping experience, making it more engaging, helping them keep tabs on products they love, and turning them into valued customers. 

Here’s what it looks like in your store

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We're stoked to see your interest in using Wishlist Plus! You'll receive an email from our team shortly to take this ahead.

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