dashboard (1)


Back in Stock Alerts Dashboard

The dashboard for Swym Back in Stock Alerts gives you high level metrics on back in stock and pre-order activities for your store. It also tells you what Swym plan you’re on along with handy links to change your plan or manage your app settings.

All of the metrics presented are month to date for the current calendar month. The main metrics are:

  • Alerts Requested – the number of alerts shoppers have signed up for
  • Alert Emails Sent – the number of alert emails that have been sent
  • Alert Subscribers – the number of shoppers who have signed up for at least one alert
  • Products – the number of products that have at least one active alert subscription

The top 5 products with the most alert requests and the top 5 shoppers with with the most alert requests are also shown.

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We're stoked to see your interest in using Wishlist Plus! You'll receive an email from our team shortly to take this ahead.

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